'HWBB' Campaigns



FCC Clinics - Global Healthcare currently has the following 'BEYOND BORDERS' Campaigns:

  • Promoting Optimal Health (Mental & Physical Health): 'HEALTH BEYOND BORDERS'
  • Anxiety especially in children and young people (aged 4 -17years)
  • Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating in young people (aged 10 - 17years)
  • Sexual Health and Fertility among young people (aged 18 - 45years)
  • Perinatal Mental Health Problems for women
  • Chronic Stress especially among Healthcare professionals, CEOs (plus other C-Suite level management), Leaders, and Business Owners/entrepreneurs

  • Protecting Human Rights to Health & Education:  'HEALTH BEYOND BORDERS'
  • Against stigmatisation, discrimination, and  cultural bias towards 'mental health problems', physical disabilities, and 'infertility'
  • For equity of access to quality healthcare, work, education, and amenities for people especially at the grassroot.

  • Promoting Innovations & Sustainable Economy:  'WEALTH BEYOND BORDERS'
  • Consumer to Creator (C-2-C) Mindset:
  1.  Economic Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation for women and young people..

                     'HEALTH BEYOND BORDERS'

  • Mental Health Awareness Campaign: ANXIETY

Anxiety is a normal body response to a real and/or perceived threat or danger. It  is therefore the body’s inbuilt alarm and survival mechanism that is aided to warn us when we are in situation(s) that can harm us. Ideally, this response system is wears off when we are out of the situation. The Anxiety becomes a problem (Disorder) when this body system fails to switch off, rather it forms a self-triggering loop. This means that the body operates as though we are still in the danger situation even when we are not.

Recent studies have shown a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from anxiety disorders. The recent global fearful or threatening events (e.g. COVID, international war, earthquake, economic crash/hardship) seem to have heightened many people's  for the health, life, or economy. These may be a situation contributory factors that have spiked the anxiety problems many people present in the past 2 to 3 years.

This year's campaign is to increase people's awareness on the impact of anxiety in their overall wellbeing. We aim to psycho-educate people on how to manage their anxiety and stress in order to avoid the situation deteriorating into a disorders.

  • Mental Health Awareness Campaign: STRESS

Mental & Emotional Health support to

  • Healthcare practitioners /frontline workers (e.g., doctors, nurses, lab scientists, porters etc)
  • CEOs and the other C- suite leaders
  • Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs
  • Fertility Awareness Campaign: FEMALE INFERTILITY

We campaign for couple's fair access to NHS IVF. Studies show that infertility affect around 1 in 6 couples in the UK and the rate of infertility for  male and female is 1:1. This means that infertility affects females on the same rate as it affects males.

For Females, there are many possible causes of infertility and these has been grouped into:

  • Problems with the uterus (womb): e.g. uterine polyps, fibroids or adhesions (scarring) of the cavity of the uterus. While the polyps and fibroids could develop at any time without any cause, adhesions often develop after a surgical intervention e.g. dilation & curettage (D&C).
  • Problems with the fallopian tubes: The most common cause of “tubal factor” infertility is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) e.g. untreated chlamydia, STD infections. Endometriosis can also cause scarring of your fallopian tubes, consequently increasing the risk of infertility.
  • Problems with ovulation: irregular ovulation can affect fertility. The irregular ovulation can occur by hormonal imbalance, eating disorder, substance use disorders, thyroid problems, severe stress, pituitary tumors. 
  • Problems with egg count and quality: studies show that females are born with all the eggs that they would have in their life time. It has also been shown that some female tend to low egg reserve before the natural age of menopause (approx. 50) and as a result experience infertility. Chromosomal abnormalities of female's eggs, poly cystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS)  can also contribute to the infertility of females.

Based on our clinical experience, the rate of STDs are on the rise. UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) report on STIs and screening for chlamydia in England showed that in 2022, nearly 31% of new cases of  STIs were diagnosed. If untreated, the infection can lend strength to the infertility caused by PID. 

 FCC Clinics' 2025 Fertility Awareness Campaign is therefore focusing on young women aged 18 to 35 years. 

2. Protecting Human Rights to Health & Education Campaign:


We campaign

  • Against stigmatisation, discrimination, and  cultural bias to 'mental health problems' and 'infertility'

  • For equity of access to quality healthcare, work, education, and amenities for people with mental health problems.

3. Promoting Innovations & Sustainable Economy Campaign: 


Within our Innovation & Sustainable Development campaign, we focus on helping women and young people move:

  1. Consumer to Creator Mindset (C-2-C Mindset) through:
  2.  Economic Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation for women and young people..

Consumer to Creator (C-2-C) Mindset: .

The creator mindset operates from a generative or productive principle, and aims to build and contribute to the overall world systems. The creators' happiness, and fulfilment come from doing creative works, seeing the impact in the world around them, and enjoying the fruit of their labour.

The consumer mindset, on the other hand, seeks pleasure, entertainment, and instant gratification from things produced by the creators. They are, therefore, constantly seeking for the next high.

Simply put:  Creators give the most and Consumers take the most from their environment.

C-2-C Campaign

The campaign aims to:

  • Educate women and young people on the important of developing creator's mindset
  • Signpost women and young people to the relevant start-up schemes within their communities
  • Enable women and young entrepreneurs to upscale their businesses and upskill their workers while maintaining stable mental and emotional wellbeing culture within their business environment.
  • Enable women and young people to move from idealness and wastage of talents/gifts to generation of wealth using their latent talents, and gifts. We provide them skills on how to narrow down their intact talents and then channel those talents into marketable products. We also provide them confidence-building skills which will enable them believe in themselves and their own abilities.
  • Tackle adverse norms and cultural biases through community education. This will enable women to make their own decisions on how they want their businesses to grow and develop.
  • Promote positive models that emphasise growth and economic development e.g., women owned enterprises, changing business culture and practices to accommodate inclusion and diversity.
  • Work with communities and governments to develop policies that discourage exploitation of women and young people through unpaid work and care.

The campaign also help new start-ups (Small to Medium Entrepreneurs - SMEs) establish businesses that work towards sustainable development. We do these through one of the six key areas:

  1. Funding access
    Advocate for financial options that support 'Healthier Mind and Body'. In some instances, we are able to link these new start-ups to our contacts for micro-financing of their businesses (T&C applies).
  2. Awareness
    Creating awareness of possible impact of poor mental health on businesses and economy. We provide them skills for identifying and/or mitigating against such negative impacts. We support actions that are specific to their business context and are useful for a successful transition to healthier mind and better work-culture environment.
  3. Knowledge
    Help to improve knowledge and promote inclusive culture in small to medium businesses around mental health.
  4. Skills and capabilities
    Help to develop new skills to deliver a business transition, including retraining and upskilling employees to achieve relevant accreditations and certification e.g. Mental Health First Aiders.
  5. Market access
    Help link these SMEs' businesses to networking FCC Clinics Global Healthcare's platform where they can connect to other businesses that also promote mental health, and equity of access to quality care.
  6. Navigation
    Provide mental health support to SMEs while they navigate the complex and evolving business landscape. These may include prioritising different opportunities, understanding what other supports are available.

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