Clinical Supervision

Our Clinical Supervision

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Duration of Session

Individual supervision session .................... 1.5 hrs/month

Group supervision session ........................... 2.5 hrs/month

For therapists with large client loads or trainees who need extra help, we can discuss the possibility of having more than once a month supervision.

Supervision Fees

 1. Clinical Supervision (qualified) ................ £95

2. Clinical Supervision (Trainee) .................... £65

3. Group supervision (min10)......................... £35/person


  1. *Fees are paid on or before the supervision session: you can pay before the day by cheque, or on the day by bank transfer, cash or direct debit 
  2. *If your organization is responsible for your supervision fee, the invoice should be paid within the month of supervision or within one week of issuance of invoice if the supervision is at the end of month. Where this may not be possible, we suggest that the supervisee pays for his/her supervision and get reimbursed by their organization.


Clinical supervision is an accountable process which supports, assures and develops the knowledge, skills and values of an individual, group or team. it is an activity that supports staff and encourages professional development with the aim of improving patient/client care. 

Clinical supervision therefore involves clinicians/practitioners meeting regularly to reflect on practice with the intention of learning, developing practice and providing high quality, safe care to patients/clients.

It is an opportunity to:

  1. Reflect and review their practice
  2. Discuss individual cases in depth and risk management
  3. Change or modify their practice and identify training and continuing development needs


In accordance to the BACP guideline, all active therapists are expected to access clinical supervision a minimum of 1.5hrs/month or for every 8 client hours; whichever one that comes first. The frequency of supervision may increase due to:

  1. Increased workload
  2. Inexperience: this is the cases for trainee therapists.

There are a number of supervision modalities, hence, it is important that therapists accesses the modality that meets their clinical needs and the needs of their client-group.

Types of supervision:

  1. One to one- meetings with your clinical supervisor- this may include reflecting on a specific case, or a caseload review. They can be face to face or via Skype or telephone if agreed by both parties
  2. Group sessions- a larger number of individuals meeting perhaps as part of a Multidisciplinary team (MDT)
  3. Learning sets- a smaller number of individuals meeting regularly to work through issues of mutual interest.

Each of these is a formal arrangement with a named supervisor, learning set, group or 1-1 . The time of meeting is protected for both supervisor and supervisee; this is to ensure consistency. 


Supervisees are responsible for:

  1. Identifying supervisor that needs their need and set the dates for their supervision sessions
  2. Preparing for supervision sessions, including identifying issues from their practice for discussion
  3. Taking responsibility for the outcomes and actions taken as a result of the supervision
  4. Keeping a written record of their supervision sessions
  5. Where appropriate record any decisions or outcomes of supervision discussions in the client clinical records

Supervisors are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring they have the up-to-date knowledge appropriate for the cases they are managing
  2. Being supportive and
  3. Facilitating the supervisee to identify issues, manage their response to their practice and identify personal and professional development needs
  4. Ensuring there is a supervision contract in place so that supervisor and supervisee are clear about roles, responsibilities and boundaries
  5. Keeping a record of supervision sessions, reviewing actions
  6. Ensuring they appropriately share information where there are serious concerns regarding the conduct, competence or health of a therapist
  7. Supporting the supervisee to access specialist safeguarding guidance where this is appropriate
  8. Discuss any recurrent non-attendance at supervision with the relevant line manager

In FCC Clinics:    

We offer supervision to Therapists: Counsellors, and Psychologists

  • From therapeutic orientations such as CBT, PD, PCT, DBT, ACT, CAT, and Integrative
  • Who work in NHS, Schools, or Private Practice
  • With specialisms such as mental health, fertility Counselling, Occupational Therapy, Relationship Counselling, Young People Counselling etc 

Our supervision is for both qualified and trainee counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists.

We offer both


  • Individual Clinical Supervision
  • Group Clinical Supervision 
  • Learning set


We Use:


  1. Cyclical Model 
  2. Hawkin’s & Shohet’s model
  3. Other models of supervision may be employed when appropriate. 
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